Make a One-Time Gift
There remains a huge amount of work to be done on the house and grounds before Gaines can be used to its full potential, and this requires significant funding. As an overtly evangelical project we do not qualify for most sources of government funding. Likewise, although we have secured some grants from Christian bodies, our very narrow Bible teaching and training focus disqualifies us from the vast majority of charitable trust grants. Accordingly, we rely on God's grace to raise the much-needed funding from individuals and churches who share our passions.
If you or your church might consider supporting this work, we'd love to hear from you and would be delighted to open our books to you for your inspection.
There are several ways you can make your contribution:
Stewardship is a fantastic Christian organisation that exists to facilitate donors and ministries alike. They make it easy for supporters to give one-off gifts as well as regular standing orders, and offer the option of anonimity to those for whom it may be important.
If you are a UK taxpayer, and make the necessary Gift Aid declaration along with your gift, Stewardship will also reclaim 25p from the taxman for £1 you give, and forward that to us as well.
If you prefer to make a direct transfer to us, then you'll find our account details below.
If you are a UK taxplayer, please also complete the online Gift-Aid declaration. There's no paperwork involved, and nothing to post. That will allow us to reclaim 25p for every £1 you give, making your contribution go much further.
It would help us apply your gift correctly if you could send a brief email to us alerting us to your donation, and to let us know if we should treat it as a Gift Aid donation.
Please make your donation to our account as follows:
Bank Sort Code: 30-99-66
Account No: 00315105
Account Name: Gaines
Please make your cheque payable to "Camp XL", and post it to us a the address below:
Just let us know that you'd like your gift to go towards work of our activity centre and we will ensure it is ring-fenced for that purpose.
Camp XL
Gaines Manor Activity Centre
Old Gaines Road
If you are UK taxpayer, please also complete a Gift Aid declaration which will allow us to claim back 25p of tax already paid for every £1 you donate. You can complete the declaration online, or print off a hard-copy and enclose with your cheque.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in this work.